11 FEB 19




Mikro Kontrolleur



Ratkat & Nikae

Golden Pudel


MikroKonrolleur is an all-improvisation-instrument working with live sound input and modulation as well as with sampling and sample destruction. It was developed, designed, built and programmed by Katharina Hauke and Dominik Hildebrand at UdK Berlin. Katharina Hauke plays the MikroKontrolleur as a solo-performance and adapts the instrument for PLÜMMO.


PLÜMMO are Katharina Hauke and Nihad El-Kayed, an experimental electronic duo from Berlin. Their music ranges from noise to dancy, from structure to improvisation. They play live with computer, diy synthesizers and anlogue instruments.


With friendly support from VAMH

9 FEB 19

It isn’t happening



Ein Festival Warm-up für IIH-3, das von 29.5. bis 1.6.2019 in und um die Kulturwerkstatt auf AEG stattfinden wird.

Ein Abend zwischen Austausch, Hören und Möglichkeitsraum. Live-Elektronik, Synthesizer-, Experimental- und Rhythmus-Musik.


NIKA SON – live (Noctui, Golden Pudel Club, HH)

SCHWEBEN – live (Zement, Otomatik Muziek, Verydeeprecords, Nbg.)

LORENZ VON MURNAU – live (Kaer‘Uiks, Nbg.)

RHYTHA LINN – dj (It isn’t happening, Berlin/Nbg.)



Kulturwerkstatt auf AEG


24 JAN 19

Silent film live-sound score at IFFR – International Film Festival Rotterdam


Thirty Years of Motion Pictures (The March of the Movies), 1927

Terry Ramsaye, Otto Nelson

´96 min


At the beginning, Thirty Years of Motion Pictures (The March of the Movies) was merely a presentation/lecture given by Otto Nelson at two National Board of Review conferences, in 1925 and 1926, under the title Early History and Growth of the Motion Picture Industry. These proved so successful that work on a film version began, with historian Terry Ramsaye (who around the same time published the seminal study A Million and One Nights: A History of the Motion Picture) coming onboard the production.


Thirty Years of Motion Pictures, as the film was originally known (The March of the Movies was added later), tried to sum up every aesthetic and technical development till then, ran for some three hours, and was never supposed to be commercially released, only screened in connection with activities by the National Board of Review, as a fundraiser.

Here’s what remains of this meta-moviemaking milestone, given an extra layer of beauty by the live music performance from Nika Son.

Chairs Speakers sparse Light

now online in form of a very special website:


>>  http://cssl.space/  <<


Chairs Speakers sparse Light is based on the idea that sound can be an artistic material. In the context of exhibition spaces, sound thus should not be downgraded as a byproduct of an installation or be pushed into fringe events such as concerts. Therefore, the question at hand is not if, but rather how sound can be presented in an exhibition space.

To examine this question seven international artists have been commissioned to compose a sound piece. Those pieces then were presented during an evening at Lucerne’s sic! Raum für Kunst in May 2018, where the setting in the space was reduced to the max—to chairs, speakers, sparse light.


The seven artists involved were Lawrence English, Nika Son, Franziska Lingg, Koen Holtkamp, Hagar Masoud, Shayu + Sfairiko, and Félicia Atkinson.


Chairs, Speakers, sparse Light was initiated by Martina Lussi and Remo Bitzi.

Now, Präsens Editionen publishes six of the seven original pieces on this website designed by Luca Napoli.


The files will be available for download on Bandcamp soon.

22 DEC 18


zweikommasieben x MMODEMM


w/ Nika Son, FM Aether, Carl Simon, Jolly, zweikommasieben DJs


Since 2015, MMODEMM has been releasing music by artists such as Felix Kubin, Das Ding, Hypnobeat, Container, Wilted Woman, Nick Klein, Nika Son, Yung Prado, dane//close, Machine Woman, As Longitude, and Palmbomen II. The Frankfurt-based label’s compelling selection lines up uncannily with zweikommasieben’s tastes. That is why the Swiss magazine teams up with MMODEMM for a collaborative night at Umbo featuring Hamburg resident and Golden Pudel affiliate Nika Son (live), FM Aether, Carl Simon, Jolly, and zweikommasieben DJs.


Nika Son – LIVE


Carl Simon – DJ

Jolly – DJ

zweikommasieben DJs


zweikommasieben is a Swiss magazine that has been devoted to the documentation of contemporary music and sounds since the summer of 2011.


at UMBO, Zürich


                                        TAPE RELEASE ON


>>>>>>        MMODEMM ♥        <<<<<<<<




The sound on this release has been examined and produced throughout November and December 2018 in Frankfurt am Main during a music-residency initiated and hosted by „Künstlerhaus Mousonturm“ and MMODEMM.

19 DEC 18


Nika Son & Bellye Woddy

>> Der Geheime Salon <<


19.12.2018, 20.30 Uhr


Als dritte Teilnehmerin einer einmonatigen Studioresidenz, welche das Tapelabel MMODEMM in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Künstlerhaus Mousonturm vergibt, präsentiert Nika Breithaupt alias Nika Son ihre Arbeit in Form eines Konzerts, sowie eines Kassetten-Releases im Geheimen Salon.

Die in Hamburg lebende Musikerin, DJ und bildende Künstlerin ist regelmäßig Gastgeberin der Reihen „Next Time“ und „Noctuidae“ im Golden Pudel Club und Initiatorin des Festivals „Eruption“, das sich in diesem Jahr dem Musik- und Videokünstler Conrad Schnitzler widmete.
In ihren Live-Sets kommunizieren analoge Synthesizer mit manipulierten Tape-Maschinen und Fieldrecordings mit gebrochenen Beats.

Für die musikalische Rahmung sorgt Bellye Woddy, welcher als Teil des Labels Denovali und host der Radioshow „Succes Stories“ auf Radio X und LYL Radio musikalischen Nischen regelmässig Gehör verschafft.

Photo: Pelle Buys

17-20 OCT 18


papiripar festival for pop | art | rotation 17th-20th October Künstlerhäuser Westwerk and Wendenstrasse, Hamburg   papiripar

is a quasi-palindromic propeller that diffuses the boundaries between image, sound and word. Boundaries become blurred and complex patterns evolve. The symmetry stumbles over its own mirror axis. papiripar will take place for the first time in October of 2018. The festival is dedicated to conceptual and progressive approaches to pop music and its intersection with art, film and performance.



Deux Boules Vanille

Jan Jelinek + Lucrecia Dalt: A Tribute to Ursula Bogner

Manu Louis

Sven-Åke Johansson

The Modern Institute




Das Qualleninstitut

Pinkie Bowtie



Nika Son



Tolouse Low Trax



Blue For A Moment


Among disparate spheres, intersections will be exposed and interdisciplinary influences will be illuminated, following the motto: More art in music, more music in art! This axiom of Düsseldorf’s ATA TAK label defined the German underground scene in the late 1970s. Overlapping of music and art was apparent in actions and participants from multiple disciplines; musicians let themselves be inspired by art’s conceptual methods, artists made music, released fanzines and ran record labels, concerts assumed the character of performance art and had a strong visual component.

6 OCT 18

RinseFM Golden Pudel Takeover

CC POP / DJ Internet Offline / Dionne / Ada / Speckman / DJ DC Schuhe / F#X / Crusat / Joney / Nika Son / Dietroiter / Ratkat / Alex Solman / RVDS / Good News / Nina

08 OCT 18





Louise vind Nielsen

Ignacio Córdoba



is a Copenhagen-based musician from Madrid, whose music goes from free improvisation or the first electronic traditions ala BBC Radiophonic Workshop or Elianne Radigue, to current trends like The Caretaker, Oren Ambarchi or William Basinski.

Ignacio devotes himself to „La Caja“ (The Box) – an old industrial calibration machine that plays with time like memory does: stretching, slowing and speeding sound, making it appear and disappear a bit different every time. Distant and hypnotic like a black hole, he uses it to get us to underwater sounds, bubbly atmospheres and melancholic mermaid calls through emotional and trance-inducing tunes.

The project has been active in different line-ups (from solo or duo up to quintet) since 2011, with two self-released records, cassette tapes through the labels MAGIA and Punctum, and shows all over Spain and 6 European tours through 17 countries.



is a Hamburg-based conceptual sound-, performance and visual artist from Denmark. Her body of work deals with the interrelations between human and machine in a diverse artistic practise between poetry and social engagement, using in particular performance and sound, often examining complexe themes with an obscure and humorous approach. In this way she performs as „Umuligt Instrument“ where she transforms her body into a living electroacoustic instrument with help of a specially designed suit. With her recent performance format „Human Amplifier“ she invites performers to acts as living speakers for her live concerts. Her Hamburg-based project „Radikal Unsichtbar – Centre for Collective Learning and Radical Listening“ aims to explore a language of listening through workshops. Louise holds a degree from the Det Jyske Kunstakademi – Diplom (MFA) from 2013 has studied at Hochschule fur Bildende Kunste Hamburg.



Ratkat & Nika Son


Mit Unterstützung des VAMH ! ♥

13 AUG 18


Golden Pudel



°°°°°°° CAM DEAS °°°°°°°live


is a London-based musician and sound artist. Known previously as a solo guitarist and more recently for his live electro-acoustic work, he is currently working with pure synthesis. Deas treats synthetic sounds like alien orchestral sections, exploring polytempos and abstract sounds to create intense yet organic, ever-shifting, immersive sound environments.


some words about his new album:

Time Exercises is a complex study in amorphous polymetric rhythms by Cam Deas for The Death of Rave. His first album composed solely for modular synths and computer, Cam’s follow-up to the acclaimed String Studies for Luke Younger’s Alter label marks a headlong tilt from acoustic to electronic spheres with a staggering effect resulting from meticulous research and process. It sounds as advanced as Xenakis or Roland Kayn superstructures, with the rhythmic displacement of FIS or Autechre, and with a grasp of slippery, mind-bending timbral dissonance comparable to Coil and Rashad Becker records…. (boomkat)


°°°°°°°Ratkat & Nika Son°°°°°°°°°djs

4-5 JULY 18


4. / 5. JULY 2018

Golden Pudel Club


A two-day happening freely based on Conrad Schnitzler.

Schnitzler? Schnitzler!


The self-proclaimed „Intermedialist“ and pioneer of electronic avant-garde music worked on a marathon performance practice in the early years of his artistic career: in his short-lived but legendary Zodiac Free Arts Lab in Berlin in the late Sixties, he led his audience into a whirlwind of sensory experiences: Concerts, installations, videos, and performances interacted with each other and turned into events that still conjure a sparkle in the eyes of their visitors today.


Conrad Schnitzler (1937-2011) called himself an “Intermedialist”, for he often expressed himself as a musician, as a composer, and as a video and concept artist at the same time, maybe also as a poet, never as an universal genius, but he surely was a great philosopher. He is regarded as one of the most important pionieers of electronic avant-garde music.

Transcending genres, he has influenced the work of numerous musicians and artists all over the world: As a founding member of the influential Kraut bands Tangerine Dream and Kluster, as a co-founder of the legendary Zodiac Free Arts Lab in Berlin, and with his solo works as well as with his innumerable collaborations.


For ERUPTION the Golden Pudel Club will be transformed into a multiphonic space, based on Ken Montgomery’s New York Sound-Art Gallery Generator. A space that will be changed into new states continuously, for two days and two nights. Besides concerts, a pop-up tape store, video projections, Beschnitzlerungen etc., the multi-channel Schnitzler tapes, presented by Montgomery, form the heart of Eruption. These sound-trips are being remixed several times during the festival and can be consumed by the public while walking, sitting, or lying down – in the dark, or in the light.


>>>> http://cwelle.org/eruption/ <<<<<

27 JUN 18








For the first edition of SKY WALKING LABORATORY at ACUD MACHT NEU we are overjoyed to present an incredible evening of concerts:
After their amazing Tony Conrad tribute show at Kampnagel Hamburg earlier this year, PNIN aka Nika Son, Phillip Sollmann and Joachim Schütz, will play an intro drone concert featuring the hurdy gurdy, a guitar and synths to be followed by the exceptional NIKA SON (Next Time, Golden Pudel Club). KONRAD SPRENGER, who just released his album “Stack Music“ on PAN, will present his midified robotic guitar on a six-channel loudspeaker system. MO CHAN aka Aiko Okamoto will accompany the shows with a selection of Japanese Extravaganza and Queer Electronics.


ACUD MACHT NEU, Veteranenstrasse 21, 10119 Berlin

4 JUN 18


NEXT TIME at blurred edges festival



Andrea Belfi

Scheich in China


Der in Italien geborene Andrea Belfi ist Schlagzeuger, Komponist und experimenteller Musiker. Seine von langen, soundscape-artigen Bögen getragenen Performances sind rhythmisch komplex und dabei atmosphärisch, pulsierend, hypnotisch und voller variierender Klangfarben. Mit einem minimalistischen Drum-Setup, bestehend aus dem finnischen Saari Kit, zusammen mit prägnanten elektronischen Klängen baute Belfi im Lauf der Jahre eine ganz eigene Sound-Welt auf. Für seine energetisch-immersiven Live-Performances konnte er sich über die Jahre einen ausserordentlichen Ruf erarbeiten, sowohl als Solomusiker als auch in zahlreichen Kollaborationen. Veröffentlichungen auf Labels wie Room40, Miasmah und Float.


Scheich in China kombiniert Schlagzeug und Elektronik, wenn auch in gebrochenerer Art und Weise. Industrielle Schläge brechen frei, verwoben mit Noise, Modularsprudel und feinen Feldaufnahmen. Scheich in China ist auch bekannt als Alsen Rau, sowie Collaborateur bei Esmark, On + Brr und dem DJ-Duo Brenzhold. Veröffentlichungen bei solch delikaten Hamburger Labels wie VIS, Hafenschlamm und Pleisto.


Djs: Nikae & Ratkat


Golden Pudel

6 MAY 18




C (Nika Son & F#X)



Laurel Halo




5 MAY 18


Chairs, Speakers, sparse Light

at sic! Raum für Kunst / Luzern


Dass Sound ein künstlerisches Material sein kann, ist eine Prämisse für Chairs, Speakers, sparse Light. Denn gefragt wird hier nicht ob, sondern wie Sound in einem Ausstellungsraum präsentiert werden kann – ohne dabei Nebenprodukt einer Installation oder Videoarbeit zu sein, und ohne als Konzert ins Rahmenprogramm einer Kunstinstitution abgeschoben zu werden. In Form einer abendfüllenden Veranstaltung soll dies befragt und untersucht werden: Kompositionen verschiedener Künstler_innen aus dem In- und Ausland werden vorgestellt und abgespielt. Das Setting ist dabei auf das Mindeste reduziert: Stühle, Lautsprecher, spärliches Licht – der Sound steht im Ausstellungsraum für sich.


Félicia Atkinson (FR)

Lawrence English (AU)

Koen Holtkamp (NL/US)

Nika Son (DE)

Franziska Lingg (CH)

Hagar Masoud (EG)

Shayu + σφαιρικό (CH)

5 APR 18

A Tribute To Tony Conrad:Stephen O’Malley [Sunn O)))] / PNIN:

Konzert + Filmscreening: “Completely in the Present”


Der 2016 verstorbene Tony Conrad gilt als Pionier im Bereich Minimal- und Dronemusik und hat auch im Experimentalfilmbereich deutliche Spuren hinterlassen. Gemeinsam mit La Monte Young, John Hassel und John Cale (den er auf die Idee des Bandnamen Velvet Underground brachte) und weiteren Musikern war er in den 1960er Jahren Teil des neo-dadaistischen Theatre Of Eternal Music. 1973 nahm er mit der deutschen Krautrock Band Faust das wegweisende Album »Outside the Dream Syndicate« auf. Seine Arbeiten im Bereich Video- und Performancekunst wurden in Museen wie dem MoMA, dem Whitney Museum oder der Documenta in Kassel gezeigt.

Um das musikalische Erbe Tony Conrads wach zu halten, spielen Stephen O’Malley, Mitglied der legendären Drone Band Sunn O))), und die sich aus dem Umfeld des Golden Pudel Clubs gegründete Gruppe PNIN, bestehend aus Joachim Schütz, Nika Son und Phillip Sollmann, ein Tribute-Konzert.

Vorher wird im Alabama Kino Tyler Hubbys sehenswerten Film über Tony Conrad »Completely in the Present« gezeigt.



23-24 MAR 18


Ilija Lazarevic & Felix Boekamp

KRATZEN (sich)

exhibition and live vinyl etching




jennifer bennett

die eichhörnchen

christian ertel

axel heil

frau kraushaar

fee kuerten

michaela melián

norbert möslang

roberto ohrt

stefan römer

anna schütten

wolfgang seidel

nika son

asmus tietchens

jan st. werner




12 FEB 18



SCHLUSS (Sky Walking)


From the circles of Hamburg’s Golden Pudel Club the duo Schluss presents their debut album “28” on Sky Walking. Éric Falconnier and Joachim Schütz join another adventure into Spontaneous Music- free and intense, demanding and magical.
A life dedicated to Noise, Experimental Music and Free Jazz, Éric Falconnier played in several formations such as Gebrochene Beine who appeared with the most notable piece on the previous Sky Walking compilation. Joachim Schütz is known for his collaborations with Ellen Fullman, Konrad Sprenger, Arnold Dreyblatt and Samara Lubelsky to only name a few. Schütz is also part of the Metabolismus collective.
With their dynamic, fragile and highly surprising Live sets and recordings, Schluss are on the path to decline expectations and burst conventions.


djs: Ratkat und Nikae


Release on First Terrace Records Compilation Tape


1. Machinefabriek – Clarinet Tape/Piano Tape 05:43

2. Nur – DLA3 03:42

3. Zohastre – MVTMJSUNP 05:02

4. Sukitoa O Namau – Cette phrase a-t-elle été écrite avant ou après que la maison ne soit détruite 03:24

5. C. Diab – Daniel and Henrik Battle the Bull of Heaven at Uruk 05:37

6. Rupert Clervaux – Ignescent 08:05

7. Ola Saad – Running 03:49

8. Daniel Klag – Partial 04:08

9. Chra – Red Robin 04:58

10. Nika Son – Wrill Nos Tad 04:41

11. Vida Vojić – Untouch 02:45

12. Specimens – All Life Eventually Turns To Dust 07:33

13. Angélica Negrón / Janus Trio – Drawings for Meyoko 07:35

20 JAN 18



Internationales Festival für experimentelle Musik


17. – 20. Januar 2018 – Kampnagel, Jarrestrasse 20, 22303 Hamburg

8 JAN 18

Next Time / Time Machine


Ratkat & Nikae



5 JAN 18



just to see


by N.Son & J.Jembere


a circling performance surrounded by cats and other humans




Kunst und Kultur e.V.


16 DEC 17



Vol. I



Bear Bones, Lay Low (Tav Exotic, KRAAK, Brussels)

CREDIT 00 (Rat Life Records, Uncanny Valley, Dresden)

Lo Kindre (Optimo Music, MR TC, Glasgow)

Nika Son (Golden Pudel Club, HH)



Rugilé (Berlin)

Jenya Sobol (ARMA17, Moscow)

Phuong Dan (Golden Pudel Club, HH)

Judith Crasser (Pracht, Lpzg)

Tussn (HH)

Esclé (Pracht, Lpzg)


curated by Simon Clement


at Moloch, HH

11 DEC 17



Rosaceae (Neoprimitive)



Hye-Eun Kim




Ratkat & Nikae

13 NOV 17




Phil Struck 


Phil Struck is a sound artist and photographer. His work is based on experimenting with different surfaces and layers of black and white laser prints, sampling from odd sound sources, random data streams and the usage of microphones + various synthesizer.


ratkat & nikae



a two weeks „radio-sound art-festival“ from 6th-19th November


very insomnia friendly 2 weeks 24 hours!


My sound piece will broadcast:

>> Thurs, 9th November 2017 @ 10:45 am – 11:00 am (GMT)
also hier eine stunde später >>> Do 11:45 – 12:00


Surfacing underneath you sea asu lapis

Nika Son


Trying to imagine being underneath a liquid that we call water while clutching to a metal ledge of a big concrete building with air in my lungs. Sensing water in your ears and eyes. Being split by water. Thoughts astray.

Algaic groaning gulping machines touching the liquid surface. Outer voices uttering in displaced languages. Who are you I am? Sinking. Waves floating over and under. Listening to antartic krill that sway to and fro. Emerging. Walking over oceanic noise, turning the page.

Your ears on surfaces.

9 OCT 17



L Twills


Nino Svireli

Die wilden Zeichnungen des Malers Ur


Ratkat & Nikae

27 SEPT 17




Carl Simon (Mmodemm)

Enchante (Jolly Discs)



Carl Simon aka Mutandini Karl aka Host Stewart aka Charlotte Simon ist die andere Hälfte von Les Trucs und Mitgründerin des ausserordentlich feinen Tape-Labels MMODEMM.

Ihre 1001 A.K.A.s deuten es an: Carl Simon ist umtriebig, gibt wenig auf Grenzen und Transgression. Carly is living, breathing, djing, mutating Minimal Wave, japanischen Gagaku, cheesy Postpunk, Industrial-Tapes und House History.


Enchante ist Dj und Produzent aus London, Labelbetreiber bei Jolly Discs, Mitveranstalter von Top Nice und Bildender Künstler, derweil in Frankfurt am Main.

11 SEPT 17

Next Time



Annawooh (Stoscha/ffm)

Annawooh uses electronic soundscapes, her voice, and beats to create an image of a desolate landscape. Its a place where humans are small, and the image is both dark as well as humorous.

Debut album coming out 20 September 2017 on Stoscha.



Ratkat & Nikae


at Golden Pudel


World premiere of DRIFT in Venice at SIC!



HD / 5.1 Dolby Surround / 16:9 / color / 97min / 2017


CAST  Theresa George / Josefina Gill



CONCEPT / RESEARCH  Theresa George